ERIC Indexes Conference Proceedings 2023 | ICASTE 2025 - International Conference on Academic Studies in Technology and Education

ERIC Indexes Conference Proceedings 2023 February 21, 2024

Dear Researchers,

We are delighted to announce that the Proceedings of the "International Conference on Academic Studies in Technology and Education 2023" have commenced indexing by ERIC - Education Resources Information Center, a significant resource in the field of education.

This development marks a notable achievement in recognition of the quality of the papers presented and the scholarly contributions of the conference. The ERIC index serves as a crucial reference point in the academic community, dedicated to enhancing the accessibility and dissemination of scholarly content. Indexing our conference proceedings in ERIC will expand the reach of your research and amplify the impact of our scholarly endeavors.

The dedication and research efforts of our participants have enriched current debates in education and technology. The indexing of our proceedings by ERIC will further highlight these valuable contributions and enhance our international recognition.

We extend our gratitude to all participants who have contributed to the success of the conference. We look forward to sharing similar achievements in the years to come.

Best regards,


ERIC Indexes Conference Proceedings 2023

Dear Researchers, We are delighted to announce that the Proceedings of the "International Conference on Academic Studies in Technology and Education 2023" have commenced indexing by ERIC - Education Resources Information Center, a significant resource ...

February 21, 2024

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University of Bath
Gaziantep University