
Journal of Education in Science, Environment and Health

The Journal of Education in Science, Environment and Health (JESEH) is a peer-reviewed scholarly online journal. The JESEH ( is published quarterly in January, April, July and October.The language of the journal is English only.

JESEH accepted articles in three different fields related to each other. These areas are science education, environmental education and health education. The following content is given priority in the articles in these three areas.

Science Education: Scholarly papers that focus on the teaching and learning of science in school settings ranging from early childhood to university education and the integration of science education with other disciplines, in particular, STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics), virtual laboratory, distance science and STEM education, research articles of the highest quality that address the intersection of science education and technology with implications for improving and enhancing science education at all levels across the world.

Environmental Education: Papers and reports on all aspects of environmental education such as environmental issues such as air, water, soil pollution; acid rains, carbon footprints, climate change, greenhouse effect and global warming, and sustainable development. Manuscripts focus on enhancing understanding of outdoor and environmental education issues, environmental awareness, energy source and renewable energy, waste management, and consumption society through balanced and in-depth investigation of practices and theories relevant to outdoor and environmental education.

Health Education: Manuscripts reporting on research conducted in health education in K-12 school settings, integrating information and communication technologies in health education, studies concentrate on technology related health issues addiction, nomophobia, cyber bullying and sharing new empirical findings and new ideas in the emerging field of health professions education, nursing education, medical education, sexual health education.


International Journal of Academic Studies in Technology and Education

Kapak Resmi

The International Journal of Academic Studies in Technology and Education (IJASTE) is a scholarly online journal that undergoes a peer-review process. It is published twice a year in Winter and Summer.

There is no publication fee in the IJASTE.

The journal accepts research papers on education and technology across various technical knowledge domains, including theoretical works, literature reviews, research reports, social and psychological issues, curricula, learning environments, book reviews, and review articles. Submitted articles should be original, unpublished, and not under consideration elsewhere.

It is important to note that withdrawing a submission without the approval of the editorial office is not permitted during the review, revision, production, or publication process, as the editor and reviewers dedicate significant time to each submission.

The initial review, conducted by the editorial team, typically takes two weeks. If the submission passes this stage, it proceeds to a blind review process, which usually takes about 6 months. IJASTE employs a double-blind review process, wherein at least two international reviewers with expertise in the relevant subject area evaluate each manuscript submitted for publication consideration.




Proceedings Book is published!

Proceedings book has been published. You can access it by logging in to your conference account.


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Registration Deadline Reminder

Dear ICASTE Participants, We would like to express our sincere gratitude for the tremendous interest you have shown in ICASTE 2023. Welcoming enthusiasts of science and technology like you to our inaugural event fills us with immense excitement. Imp...


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