Online Payment | ICATES 2025 - International Conference on Advances in Technology, Education and Science

Online Payment
You may pay your conference fee by online payment system with a credit card.

You may use the following link to make your payment.

Points to Consider
1. Your credit card must be open for international shopping and e-commerce.
2. Our payment system uses 3d secure for security. Please make sure that your bank provides this.
3. Turkish participants must make payments in Turkish lira. You can calculate the amount you need to pay via the currency converter on the payment page.
4. If you have any problems, please contact us via We will be happy to help you.

PAYTR / COMODO / PCI-DSS / Visa / MasterCard


The academic initiatives supported by ARSTE Organization are indexed by some or all of the following sources.

Supported by
University of Bath
Gaziantep University