Review Process | International Conference on Academic Studies in Science, Engineering, and Technology (ICASET)

Review Process

The International Conference on Academic Studies in Science, Engineering, and Technology (ICASET) employs a rigorous scientific review process to ensure the quality and suitability of submitted papers. This process is designed to assess the academic rigor, adherence to scientific standards, and contribution to the conference's high-level academic content. Here are the steps involved in ICASET's scientific review process:

  1. Initial Evaluation: Papers are submitted to ICASET through the submission system. Submissions should align with the conference scope and call for papers. In the initial stage, the conference program committee conducts a preliminary evaluation to assess the suitability and significance of the papers.

  2. Assignment of Reviewers: Papers deemed suitable undergo review by independent and expert reviewers. Reviewers are selected from experienced researchers, academics, or industry professionals with expertise in the relevant areas. Reviewers' identities are kept confidential, and double-blind review is implemented, ensuring that the identities of both authors and reviewers are concealed.

  3. Review Process: Reviewers meticulously evaluate the submitted papers. They examine the scientific quality, methodology, originality, contributions, results, and writing standards of the papers. Reviewers conduct an objective analysis, provide constructive feedback, and suggest necessary revisions and improvements. Reviewers may recommend acceptance, revision, or rejection of the paper.

  4. Reviewer Evaluation Reports: Reviewers submit their evaluations in written report form. These reports are provided to the authors, enabling them to address the feedback and make the necessary revisions. The reports cover aspects such as the strengths and weaknesses of the paper, effectiveness of the methodology, consistency of the results, and contribution to the relevant literature.

  5. Revision Process: Authors revise their papers based on the reviewer evaluation reports, making the necessary corrections and improvements, and submit the revised version. The revision process involves re-evaluation and feedback by the respective reviewers. At this stage, reviewers may fully accept the paper, request additional revisions, or recommend rejection.

  6. Final Decision and Acceptance: After the revision process is completed, a final evaluation of the papers is conducted. The final decision can be acceptance or rejection of the paper. Accepted papers are included in the conference program and prepared for presentation.

ICASET's scientific review process ensures objectivity, impartiality, and adherence to scientific standards. It facilitates the showcasing of high-quality research and guarantees the delivery of valuable and up-to-date content to conference participants.


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University of Bath